Our partner manufactures:
- Oil immersed distribution transformers. These transformers are used to decrease the medium voltage (3.3 -36 kV ) to low voltage level (≤ 1000 V)
- Medium power transformers. These transformer ranges are mostly preferred at city transmission lines, industrial facilities and power plants.
Distribution and Medium Power Transformers can be ordered as single phase or three phased. Inhibited or uninhibited mineral oil are used as a cooling medium. If requested, non-flammable fluids can be used as well.
According to the customer request;
- with ONAN, ONAF, ODAF , OFAF, OWAF cooling systems,
- as open to atmosphere with conservator,
- with off-load tap changers or on-load tap changers
- with cable box or protection box,
- with bushings with ceramic insulators or with resin type plug-in bushings.
The purpose of our partner is to fulfill customer’s requests completely and to provide highest quality. our partner manufactures distribution and medium power transformers according to customer requirement, contract requirements or technical standards such as TS 267 60076-1, IEC 60076-1, BS 171, DIN, ANSI, ENEL, ENDOSA, CSA. etc.